Hip hip hurrah! Scholastic Book Clubs has a $9 touch-and-feel paperback edition of Book of Bones available this fall. Big bucket list item for me! Contact your child’s teacher to find out if your school participates in the SBC. See the entire Scholastic Book Clubs October Spooktacular Flyer here.
Activity / Extension for Book of Bones: Fantastical Dinos
"Family Friday project for October! After reading about real animal skeletons we created fantastical dinosaur skeletons by pinching scraps of bone-colored paper and gluing to black background, inspired by Book of Bones @g_balkan #kidsnonfiction#handsonlearning🙌🏻 #skeletons#halloweencrafts" - Brooklyn Arbor @Materials Depot
EVENT: Evening Safari at the Potawatomi Zoo (Aug 19 @ 5:30 p.m.)
This bird claims it can move faster than an Indy 500 race car. Find out whether this bird can do just that and more with children's book author Gabrielle Balkan at the Potawatomi Zoo.
Participants will also learn about animals and their habitats, meet an animal ambassador, make an animal enrichment item, and get to know more about animal skeletons through BOOK OF BONES.
LEARN MORE: https://www.potawatomizoo.org/edzoocation/#safari
Evening Safari: Family Programs
Around the World
Join us for our summer safari series for a trip around the world! Learn about exotic animals and the environments in which they reside. Meet an ambassador animal, make enrichment, and much more! These programs are great for the whole family!
Time: 5:30 – 6:30 PM (see the zoo after hours!)
Address: Potawatomi Zoo: 500 S Greenlawn Ave, South Bend, IN, 46615
Cost: $6/participant (Members)
$8/participant (Non-Members)
Children under 2 get in for free
Touch the Best Bones: Book of Bones and its Korean debut!
Korean publisher 키다리의 참좋은날 made a surpasingly useful video showing exactly what it's like to experience the textures pages. They even changed the title to "Touch the best bones" to really make the special feature stand out. Why didn't we think of that?!
Activity / Extension for Book of Bones: X-Ray Animals
"X-ray animals! After reading this stunning & informative book (which also reads well) I had the kids make x-rays of animals from the book using black card stock (I cut the animal shapes) and Q-tips cut to a range of sizes. This book was a huge hit for my animal-loving crew, and the activity has to be one of my favorite things we have done together in recent memory." #xisforxray #letterxunit#bookofbones - @the.silvan.reverie
Book of Bones Trailer
The delightful and talented Meagan Bennett designs every children's book at Phaidon. In addition to keeping an eye out for interesting talent (like Sam Brewster), Meagan helps figure out how a book will come together (such as having a question on one page and an answer when you turn the page), what colors to use (like yellow, instead of say, green for the cover) , what special features to add (such as textured pages).
Meagan ALSO makes book trailers about the finished book so we can engage all of our senses when we learn about bones! Check out some of her handwork here! Isn't she great?
Book of Bones Activity Kit
jestem szczęśliwy
According to the online translator I used, the way I should say "I am happy" in Polish is "jestem szczęśliwy" ... and I am! SO happy, that BOOK OF BONES will soon pub with the Polish publisher Kocur Bury. According to the same online translator, "Kocur Bury is an independent publishing house created by friends whose passion is the book, especially the children."
I love them already! Don't you?
Book of Bones : Elementary School Workshop
I used Book of Bones (Phaidon, Sept 2017) as our prompt in a K-2 weekly bookmaking workshop held at my daughters' school. In short time, the students came up with incredible skeletons belonging to animals of their own invention, some too big to fit in the frame!